Course Syllabus

18.100B for the Spring of 2025 will have lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays in 2-190 between 9:35 and 10:55.

I will keep an updated and more detailed version of the syllabus under announcements on this Canvas site as a pdf file.  

The course gives an introduction to analysis, and the goal is twofolds: 
1. To learn how to prove mathematical theorems in analysis and how to write proofs. 
2. To prove theorems in calculus in a rigorous way.  

The course will start with real numbers, sequences and series, and point-set topology. We will continue on with single variable functions, continuity, derivatives and integrals. After that, we will move on to multivariable functions.

Problem Sets.  The PSets will be assigned weekly on Canvas. They should be submitted on Tuesdays by 4PM EST on Canvas.  The graded assignments will be returned the following Tuesday. The lowest PSet grade will be dropped.

Psetpartners is set up for the class so please consider using that

We are planning on having 10 sets of homework.  

We will also have an in-class midterm and a three hour final exam.

The main textbook for the course is:

Elementary Real Analysis, 2nd edition (TBB), by B.S. Thomson, J.B. Bruckner, and A.M. Bruckner. TBB can be downloaded at: to an external site.

If you are looking for an alternative textbook, then one possibility is Rudin's principle of mathematical analysis.  




Course Summary:

Date Details Due