Front Page

Course Overview

Course Title: Medicine for Managers and Entrepreneurs Proseminar

Course Number: 15.132/HST.972

Semester: Spring 2019

Course Director: Professor Richard J. Cohen, MD, PhD

Teaching Assistant: Ismail Degani

Course Administrative Assistant: Grace Gist

Class Sessions: Thursdays, 4:00 to 7:00 PM, Room E62-250

Course Summary:

The goal of this course is to provide students with basic business oriented clinical and technological knowledge related to health, healthcare and medicine through engagements with clinical and industry experts. The course will meet once per week for a three hour session. Generally, each session will focus on a specific disease or technological area within medicine. Speakers will include a basic science and/or clinical expert in each area followed by a company CEO or other senior executive involved in cutting edge innovation in the designated area.

This subject is a required course for the Sloan Healthcare Certificate.

See Syllabus for more information.